Gundam Wing : Invincible
I'm blaming this entry on my Ashke.
*Marie sobers up.* Amy recommended in her diary yesterday that I download what turned out to be one of the most emotional impacting music videos I've ever seen in my life. It is clips of Gundam Wing done to a song called "Invincible" by Pat Benetar. Talk about heart wrenching.
It was spliced together very well, and, as Amy wrote in her diary, sent tingles down my spine. At the end I had tears in my eyes. I especially liked how perfectly they did the very end, though I'm not sure if it was done on purpose or not. It had the shot from Endless Waltz with Heero walking away with the dead puppy in his arms, with shots of the boys fighting with their mechas inbetween. I loved how each line featured a boy...
"We will be invincible..." ~Duo
"We can't afford to be innocent" ~ Quatre
"Stand up and face the enemy" ~Wufei, (looking very upset as he fights ^_^)
"It's a do or die situation" ~Trowa (shot from the episode where he tries to destroy himself no less.)
"We will be invincible." ~Heero, fade out.
It was great. ^_^ Well, I'm going to trek off to watch it a couple more times. Oh, and Ashke, if you are reading this, once again, thanks so much. *glomp, snuggle*
(Added note: 04/06/01 - It's still on my harddrive, and I still watch it on a consistant basis... it is awesome!!!)