Marie's Gundam Wing Rant Page!! :D

Notes: The newest entries are at bottom. I also watched the series over a LONG period of time... four months, so something I said in a recent entry may very well contradict something in an older one. :D

Gundam Wing in English
Diary Entry: 01/24/01 -- Rant about the English version of Gundam Wing, Reactions to Episodes 1-7 of Gundam Wing. *SPOILER WARNINGS?*

Pretty Music!!
Diary Entry: 12/29/00 -- Nattering about music. Very short.

Gundam Wing : Episodes 8-12
Diary Entry: 01/26/01 -- Reactions to Episodes 8-12 of Gundam Wing. *SPOILER WARNINGS!!*

Gundam Wing Rant
Diary Entry: 02/04/01 -- Rant about "Why do children have to fight wars in anime?"

Gundam Wing : Invincible
Diary Entry: 02/11/01 -- Just paying homage to the best Gundam Wing Music Video ever. ^_^

Gundam Wing and Yaoi
*updated 04/06/01* A comparison of the fan genre of Yaoi to what really is presented in the animated series. It's an expansion on some of my earlier diary entrees which aren't here. The above is my thoughts on the couples presented by yaoi, and quite in support of non-yaoi couplings. Which is most likely to offend some, I know...

Gundam Wing : Episodes 31-36
Diary Entry: 04/06/01 -- Summary & Reactions to Episodes 31-36 of Gundam Wing. *SPOILER WARNINGS!!*

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